Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bubur Ayam

Another favorite meal; Chicken Porridge. Porridge made from rice grains with shredded chicken as one of the condiments. It takes at least an hour to get the dish ready to serve and it literary burns my tongue once it is shoveled into my mouth without first letting it cool off.

serves 4
500 gr/1 lb 2 oz chicken
200 gr/7 oz rice, soaked in cold water for an hour
3000 ml water
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp margarine

2 sticks of You Tiao, sliced
2 stalks of spring onions, sliced finely
1/3 cup of chopped celery
1/3 cup of fried onion
1/3 cup of fried soy beans (optional)
sweet soy sauce to taste
light soy sauce to taste
peanut sauce
shrimp crackers and/or Emping (optional)

1. Drain the soaked rice and place in a large saucepan with the chicken and the water. 

2. Bring to the boil then add salt. While waiting for it to boil, stir the mixture occasionally to prevent it sticking to the bottom of the pan.

3. Once the grains are soft and tender to the bite, fish out the chicken and let it cool off. Set the stove to its minimum heat. Stir occasionally.

4. Squeeze out any excess water from the chicken. Shred the chicken into small pieces. 

5. Melt the butter on a frying pan, stir-fry the shredded chicken, set aside.

6. To serve, per portion; ladle 1/4 part of the porridge into a bowl. Add the shredded chicken and the rest of the condiments but serve crackers and peanut sauce separately. 

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